Hosanna Presbyterian Church (HPC) of north Dallas is recruiting 3 part-time ministry staff directorships. Thank you for your prayerful interest in these roles. We hope that you will find the information provided an accurate portrait of who we are and who we are seeking to steward these positions through the description of responsibilities.
HPC is a congregation of over 45 adult covenant partners, with an additional 19 children and youth members, gathering at our facility on 4020 Marchant Blvd Carrollton, Texas. We are a congregation of the Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (ECO) denomination and member church of the Texas Presbytery. The mission of ECO is to build flourishing churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ in an everchanging world – a conservative presbyterian denomination built for the 21st century. ECO’s threefold identity is in being (1) Reformed; (2) Evangelical; and (3) Egalitarian.
Our church was born out of the English-language ministry of Bethany Korean Presbyterian Church of Dallas (BKPC) with the support and blessing of the session and congregation. Since our incorporation and charter in 2023, we remain co-located with BKPC as two churches who share one building yet governed under separate sessions. We continue to partner with BKPC in the areas of support for world missions, weekly kitchen/breaking bread ministry, and Christian education.
The suburban city of Carrollton resides 30 miles northwest of Dallas, Texas, with a population of over 130,000 people, among whom over 15% are Asians. Carrollton is home to the largest Korean community in Texas and Koreatown Carrollton, a base for numerous Korean restaurants and businesses. Currently, our congregational demographic is predominantly U.S.-born or naturalized Korean-Americans and Taiwanese-Americans. There are approximately 11 families with children ranging from infants to adults, alongside over 25 young adults both newlywed or single working professionals. One worship service is held every Sunday at 11:10am, alongside a simultaneous preschool worship for children (infancy to prekinder), with an inter-generational communion service held every three months and on holy days (Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas). Children (kinder-5th grade) and youth (6th-12th grade) participate in BKPC’s Christian education Sunday programs. Currently, the staff consists of only our installed full-time solo Pastor/Head of Staff, who oversees the various ministries with the help of the ordained officers (3 elders and 2 deacons), together with lay ministry volunteers of the congregation.
Our website – www.hosannapc.org – provides more details on the history, vision, mission, identity, and values of HPC. We are committed to the authority of Scripture, the reformed faith, the presbyterian heritage, egalitarian leadership, and the Great Commission. HPC envisions to be a mosaic of vibrant, diversifying, multicultural, and multiplying transformed lives in Jesus Christ. Our vision is to bridge diversity among families, generations, cultures, languages, and backgrounds into a mosaic of one transformed gospel community unified to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (MATTHEW 28:18-20) by three strategic initiatives to: (1) gather north Dallas into a mosaic of life-giving covenant community; (2) grow God’s family in a transformative personal relationship with Jesus Christ through a reconciled relationship to one another; (3) go into all the world as His ambassadors, unified for the mission to be disciplemakers of all nations and equipped by the empowerment of His holy Spirit.
If you sense the leading of the holy Spirit for these part-time ministry staff directorship roles and desire to be considered for candidacy, HPC welcomes you to send a cover letter, resume, and references by email to [email protected]. All documents will be kept strictly confidential and disposed of after the end of the search process. We wait with eager expectation and hope for the Lord’s answer in sending His good and faithful servant. Thank you in advance for your time, effort, and prayers!
May the LORD bless you and lead you, The Search Committee Hosanna Presbyterian Church